Visceral Manipulation 1

Dates 13-16 May 2025
Instructor Pierre Vey
Price Early Bird (Full payment by 15 March 2025) RM 4500
Normal Fee (after 15 March 2025) RM 5000
Venue FN Harmony
Address 70-2, Fraser Business Park, Jalan Metro Pudu 55100, Kuala Lumpur

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Course Overview

In this course, you will be introduced to the models and concepts of functional biomechanics as viewed from Jean-Pierre Barral’s Visceral Manipulation approach. This method of evaluation and treatment is based on the concept that each of our internal organs rotates on a physiological axis. Focus is on the abdominal cavity and includes the organs, their membranes, ligaments, innervation and their spatial functional interrelationships. You will learn basic manipulations for correcting abnormal motions and stress patterns within this cavity. Participants will learn basic manipulations for correcting abnormal motions and stress patterns within this cavity. It includes lecture, demonstration and practice for each technique presented.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the four days course, participants will have the knowledge to

  • Explain the dynamics of motion and suspension in relation to organs, membranes and ligaments, and the related fascial implications.
  • Evaluate the functional movement of the abdominal organs through mobility and motility assessments.
  • Identify and explain the abdominal organ mechanical relationship to the lumbar spine, pelvis and extremities.
  • Explain and implement visceral manipulation techniques for chronic low back pain, shoulder dysfunctional patterns, unexplained diaphragm dysfunction, hypo and hypermobility of the spine, bladder, bowel or pelvic problems due to loss of abdominal pressure system.
  • Demonstrate manual skills to locate, evaluate and normalize primary areas of fascial dysfunction within the abdominal cavity.
  • List common causes of visceral restrictions, precautions to visceral manipulation and contraindications to visceral manipulation.


This course is intended for healthcare professionals, or for students nearing completion in their studies to become a healthcare professional, with palpation skills and experience as well as anatomical knowledge.

Required Reading

To prepare for the course we suggest that you read Visceral Manipulation by Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO and Pierre Mercier. A list of reading preparation will be sent to you upon registration.

Recommended reading:

Naturopathic Approach To Visceral Manipulation by Ron Mariotti ND

Useful anatomy books suggested

  • Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank Netter, MD, and/or
  • A Regional Atlas of the Human Body by Carmine Clemente.

All books are in